Monday, November 28, 2011

Pictures sent by Shane

Mojo working over decoys at day break

Johnny and Van hunting out of the tank pit

Shane's dog Ace

Stevie Johnson and  his dog Cass

This is the levee blind before they flooded the fields.

Stevie working his Speck call.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Opening Weekend

Opening weekend for the 2011-2012 season was a bit hot for my liking but turned out to be a great opener.  Thanks to everyone for a making a great start to the season.  9 of the 10 members were able to make it down and I hope all you guys had a good time and will send me some pictures of the weekend to post on the site. 
Here are some of the shots I took:
Matt Edwards made his first trip to the duck club this weekend and due to his absence through the work weekends some of the boys decided to have him a t-shirt made and decorate his bed when he arrived.  Matt did redeem himself by hooking the club up with all the kitchen supplies.  I am just looking forward to the payback pictures!

Seth McDowell and Donnie Edwards keeping and eye out for the birds from the "snake pit".  Donnie's dog Drake however took timeout for a quick photo op.

Johnny Edwards and his hunting partner Van taking a coffee break.  Johnny likes to save his dogs legs and shoot birds that only land inside the blind.  Also, mad respect for Johnny and Van who hunted in the lightening and blowing rain Monday morning and limited out in 20 minutes while the rest of us wimped out! 

Here is the wall from opening day.  50 Saturday. 43 Sunday, and I don't have totals for Monday other than Johnny's limit.  Lots of teal, gads, and shovelers.  Wigeon, blue bill, canvas back, pintail and several mallards made for a very mixed bag for the weekend.   

Donnie Edwards, Matt Edwards and Seth McDowell cooking it up in the kitchen. 

The teal didn't make it home in the coolers and man were they good!  The Edwards boys fired up the grill Sunday night and made a delicious meal. 

Dr. Matt Perkins and his two sons Chance and Nate pop out of the pit for a quick picture.  It was a great first Arkansas duck hunt for the boys.

The mud room was full with everyone in the house.

As was the gun rack. 

Everyone hanging out after a big teal meal.  My favorite thing about this picture is it provides proof of one of the many Stevie Johnson on ambien stories that he always denies the next morning.  That bottle of water he is drinking ended up poured in the chair he is sitting in due to him trying to take a drink while babbling some nonsense and missing his mouth.

I am looking forward to the rest of the season with all you guys.  Send any pictures you want to share to the club email link, cypresscreek