Sunday, January 26, 2014

Final Weekend

Boys, it has been a good one!  The Lord blessed us with a really good end of the season. Which has been rare in the low rent district.   I wish more of you could have joined us for the finale. 
Shane, Brad, Johnny, and Heath hunted in the ice Saturday. Thank goodness Johnny and Shane were down early and were able get the ice eater set up so we had a good hole open up. However, we didn't want to put a dog in the ice so the next few pictures are of some incredible retrievers. 
                                                        ERBIE BACK!
                                                   KENNEL UP SHANE!
                                             JOHNNY FETCH EM UP!
This dog sucked, he fell in the ditch and had to pick the Bird up on the way out in the argo. I think that duck made him mad. When we picked her up she was missing her head from a 12 ga at about 15 yards. 
             We got some dry clothes on this little puppy and got him back in the field.  
                                                         Soups On!

Took a while but we all limited out. Yes, the top row is all big lips, we got impatient. When we got home we watched about a thousand pintails wear the beans out all afternoon. 
                                    Brad picking up a nice looking speck. 
                                The geese were really using our bean field. 
                        Yes the Dog is back. No more fetching for the fat kids.
                             The argo was loaded down on her last trip out. 

Three men left, three limits of ducks on the final day.  Shane, Brad and Heath finished off the season right. Johnny we started to doubt this "meeting" you had while we were cleaning the house out and picking up all the decoys out of the pits. 

                            354 for the year ain't bad for the low rent district. 

                                             The End = Happy Wives 

                                            Nice Hunting with you Steeviey!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Super Saturday Sorry Sunday.

A couple of pictures from our Saturday hunt. From left to right. Doc, Brad, Johnny, Cade, Shane, Heath, and Rick. 6 Men 36 ducks. One of the best hunts of the year. 

                                 Everything but Pintails!  I will get one next weekend I hope. 
                 S!#tters Full!  (Not pictured - Johnny, who is around corner of house puking)

            It wasn't Van that caused the problem because he was obviously stopped up.  
                                                     What's up Ladies?  

                                      We missed you Chase. Sorry you were sick. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Johnny's pics

Chase finally broke out of the low rent district and got to go on a trip to the bottoms. The full lanyards and the big grin in the next picture says it all. 

This is Johnny's dog Van loaded up and ready to go. 
Johnny got to bring Chaz and his young dog out for a good hunt with Brad. 
Afternoon goose hunt. 
Johnny and the boys had two good days. We are hoping the last two weekends are as good. 
See you guys this weekend. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Solo Mission!

Empty pit and a lanyard full of ducks. 
The fields have thawed out and Brad had a good day on his own.  Good thing you have De'Angilo waiting at the house to warm you up. 

First week of 2014.

Shane, Judge Simmons, Doc, Travis, Heath & Brad (the photographer) sat in the snake all day waiting for the ice to thaw and the sun to pop out. Once it did we shot a few birds and had a decent day. 
Shane was sick and hit the house and Ace stayed and hunted with us thank goodness. 


Not much to post the past few weeks unless you're hunting with Stevie. The low rent district is frozen up and the ducks are running the rivers.  Send me some new pics if you have anything. 
We did have one treat this weekend and that was we had a lady in the pit.  She was a trooper because it was COLD!  Shaun and Katie Wrobel joined us for the hunt since their hole was frozen up. 
Obviously the hunting wasn't great, Ace decided to take a nap. 

Day after Christmas

Here is a few pics from the low rent district. 
Brad and Cade in the 1st pit. 
Cade sporting his new Rifle that he got for Christmas. 
Cade with the 4 Mallards we scratched out. 
Camo and I had to really hunt for this wounded duck.  
Heath, Cade, and Camo in the argo. 
Cade and Camo had a rough day and needed a little R&R.