Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finally some Cold Weather!

Mother Nature finally provided us a touch of winter.  Dr. Rodney and I drove through a good snow shower leaving TN as we set out to meet our guests coming in from South Dakota.
Shane and his son Travis in the Snake Pit.

This was the result of the cold weather.  All eight of us stayed in the blind all day to kill eight limits.  I would like to give little Blake some much needed praise for going to the house and providing our blind with lunch!  I know Dr. Rodney did the same for his blind, but you would expect it out of a good man like him.  It was a total shock when Blake volunteered!

Lots of Pintails in the area.

Now this was a real treat.  One of the boys from South Dakota was wanting a nice bull Pintail with a sprig to take home with him and ended up killing this Gadweall/Pintail hybrid.  If you look real close you will notice the Gadwall feathers and head but his rear looks like a pintail and did have a sprig. 

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