Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pics from Seth and Shane

Here are a couple of awesome shots Shane took of the sun rising over the decoys. 

View from the Tank Pit
Ace posing for a quick photo op.

Somebody decapitated this poor mallard. 

Seth's dog Asher in the dog box.

This is what has come to be known as the A-Team.  Asher and Ace loaded up in the back of my Ranger.
And this is what has come to be known as the Gay-Team!  I guess we will have to change the room assignments for next year.  Sorry boys, I got this picture and couldn't resist.
For any of you Duck Hunters out there that don't have one of these, you need one.  Johnny brought his bird hitch to the club and has saved us several hours of cleaning birds.  Thanks Johnny!

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